…Food crisis: FG, others affirm biotechnology will revolutionalize, secure Africa’s future

By Dele Ogbodo

In what resonates more of an endorsement of Nigeria’s breakthrough in Africa’s food security landscape at the crest of Nigeria’s biotechnology deployment, the Acting Counsellor, United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agriculture Service (USDA FAS), Mr. Chris Bielecki, on Thursday, admitted that the country’s biotechnology deployment that has produced biotechnology/GMO crops like BT Cowpea and TELLA maize is a technology that has transformed the global food system.

Speaking at the Sharing and Believing session at the ongoing international conference in Abuja, he reinforced, that there is no harm with biotechnology application, explaining that the technology has further transformed food systems, and Nigeria’s would not be exceptional.

While fielding questions from journalists at the side line of the breakout hour, he added: “Sharing is Believing is something that in the agricultural sector when dealing with Nigeria, U.S wants to share technology, regarding to agricultural production, agriculture trade, biotechnology, regulations and biotechnology development.

“This international conference on biotechnology is really about sharing and believing, because when you launch something you might believe it half way but when you have to share with other people it is something that you really have to know deeply.

“And we at the USDA FAS, think ultimately that sharing is believing and so we are encouraging Nigerian scientists, researchers, policy makers and regulators to share what they are doing with specific crops.

“For example, I know that Nigeria has developed the BT Cowpea, TELLA Maiza which is the most recent crops that has been commercialized.

 “The United States is encouraging the Nigerian researchers, scientists and stakeholders to share their innovations and creativity with the United States Department of Agriculture biotechnology regulations.

Meanwhile the Federal Government, through the National Biotechnology Research Development Agency (NBRDA), International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the  National Agricultural Seed Council (NASC), the All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) and other stakeholders in the agricultural space have affirmed that the application of biotechnology innovation and engineering is the revolution that promises to redefine the future of Nigeria and Africa.

While acknowledging the current food crisis across the country, the stakeholders reinforced the safety of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in food production and security in Nigeria.

The disclosure was made at the day four (4) of the 2024 Biotechnology conference with the theme: ‘Sharing is Believing’ in Abuja, at the side event organized by NBRDA in partnership with USDA.

The Director General (DG) NBRDA, Prof. Abdullahi Mustapha, noted that the theme resonates deeply n biotechnology, where collaboration and knowledge-sharing are vital, adding that no single entity can advance biotechnology alone affirming that it requires concerted efforts from governments, research institutions, private sector stakeholders and the global community.

The DG explained that it became imperative to ensure Nigerians get the correct information of biotechnology, which Nigerians had received negative information about it, hence the theme, ‘Sharing is Believing’, where “collaboration and knowledge-sharing are essential.”

Mustapha said: “Biotechnology is at the forefront of scientific innovation, transforming healthcare, agriculture, environmental conservation, and beyond. We are not just witnesses but active participants in a revolution that promises to redefine our future.

“The theme, ‘Sharing is Believing’ resonates deeply in biotechnology, where collaboration and knowledge-sharing are essential. No single entity can advance biotechnology alone; it requires concerted efforts from governments, research institutions, private sector stakeholders, and the global community.

“At NBRDA, we champion collaborative research and open exchange of knowledge to drive biotechnology development and application, improving lives and contributing to the global knowledge economy. International cooperation has led to significant breakthroughs, such as the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines. This reinforces our belief that sharing knowledge and resources is imperative. 

“Today, let us embrace the spirit of collaboration, explore new avenues for cooperation, identify common goals, and work towards sustainable solutions to pressing challenges. This event will foster meaningful interactions, new partnerships, and reinforced existing ones.

“Let us leverage this opportunity to build bridges, share innovations, and inspire each other to achieve greater heights in biotechnology.”

The Keynote Speaker, the Executive Director/CEO at the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI) Prof Chiedozie Egesi, said it is time to share the right information about biotechnology in Africa, hence the theme ‘Sharing is Believing’, and added that it is time to share the improved seeds, which change the situation of the agriculture and productivity of farmers in the continent.

“The global challenge of ensuring food security while maintaining environmental sustainability is a key objective or aim of every of nation, and it is encapsulated in the Millennium Development Goals, and this is not to say we should continue doing things the way we have been doing, we need to innovate and that is what agricultural Biotechnology is about, it has not been static.

“It is been very dynamic improving, better tweaking that makes it serve the purposes it supposed to serve, and there is a call to produce more with less, and we need to optimize and minimize our agricultural systems in the world and this is talking about Nigeria.

“Nigeria is on the right track with agricultural biotechnology but we can do better, and that is why ‘Sharing and Believing’ is important. We should be the people bringing the information.

We should go beyond talking for ourselves but talking to the people about the truth, science of biotechnology, benefits, right information.

“In the Global Hunger Index for 2023 shows that Nigeria ranks a 109 out of 125 countries that is very bone-chilling and blood-chilling. I cannot believe that Nigeria is performing this way. I am sending a message to my President who has been working hard on the renewed hope agenda, nutrition and food security to move us out of this position as I am motivated to move us out and all of is should be motivated to move us out of this position, and we may not be the first but we must first change position, and we cannot change position by arguing science and biotechnology, we need to move with this science and quickly.

“Nigeria needs to move from this ranking immediately, it is a call for action. The score of 28.3 in 2023 Global Hunger Index, Nigeria‘s level of hunger is on a very serious position. After this position God forbid it is alarming and we are not going to get extremely alarming but we are not far from alarming but we do not want to move there, we need to from more serious to moderate, and from moderate to low, and where we are is precarious. 

“We need to change the way we do things not just only the government but all stakeholders , we all need to go back to agriculture, the security agents need to provide security for the farmers and  for new farmers to get into the field and then everybody need to make it easy.

“We need ease of agribusiness that is the call we are making. On the Global Hunger Index, it is not new, and Nigeria has not been far for the past 24 years. The government needs to rise up change the way we have been doing agriculture and research to move Nigeria away from this serious and alarming zones, we are in a very serious situation and biotechnology is one of the way to solve the problem.”  

However, he said Nigeria has been making progress in biotechnology, and called on the Nigerian media to support the information on biotechnology in order for Nigerians to under the technology and embrace it.        

Also in a goodwill message, the Executive Director, African Agricultural Technology Foundation, AATF, Dr Canisius Kanangire, said it is important to have the ‘Sharing is Believing’ Side Event, because it will turnaround the country’s food system, added that scientists in Africa should be concerned with the heavy losses farmers contend with as a result of flooding and droughts including poor agronomic practices, vulnerability, poor seeds, access to market, lack of extension services, poor infrastructure to conserve the produce, and other problems.

Kanangire also pointed out that there is responsibility to shield the smallholder farmers as scientists, policymakers by creating the enabling environment to salvage the great loss farmers make and more.

The Executive Secretary of Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN) Prof Garba Sharubutu, also in a goodwill message, said the Council urges Nigerians to embrace the biotechnology while pointing at the issues of food security, drought and other challenges, and said people should embrace science, he declared that biotechnology is safe.

The Acting Director General, National Agricultural Seed Council, NASC, Khalid Ishiak, represented by Director, Seed Coordination and Management Services, NASC, Jimmy Zidafamor, said the theme of the event ‘Sharing is Believing’ is really apt when there is so much controversy about biotechnology products, which Nigeria has gone ahead to adopt the technology and products have come out, and the seed industry is the first beneficiary including the BT Cowpea, BT Cotton and Tella Maize, enhance these will enhance productivity, and the seed council accepts technology that would improve seeds, and it is in the benefit of Nigerians.  

Also, the President, Cassava Growers Association of Nigeria, Mustapha Othman Bakano, said the smallholder farmers will benefit from biotechnology in terms of yield and profit for cassava farmers.

Earlier, the Country Director OFAB Nigerian Chapter, Dr. Rose Gidado, explained that the objectives of the Workshop is to “expand the Mission’s network of like-minded government and private sector partners who are willing and able to advocate on the benefits of agricultural biotechnology in Nigeria.

“In recognition of Nigeria’s sustained leadership in biotechnology, this outreach project will allow stakeholders to review their successes, and share policies, regulations, and best practices that are making these success stories possible. The project therefore will provide a platform for sharing advances, challenges, and next steps across projects and their development stages.”

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